AEDP Institute

Dreaming Hope: AEDP and the Natural Creativity of the Sleeping Self – Advanced Workshop

an Advanced Skills and Supervision Workshop at the YWCA in Vancouver, British Columbia

with Miriam Marsolais, PhD

In this one-day advanced clinical training day, Dr. Marsolais will present and comment upon clinical work which demonstrates the distinctive possibilities, capacities and challenges a therapist encounters in working with the dreams of clients who have experienced complex and/or early relational trauma and who also have significant experience with spiritual practice. This day builds on day one but is also open to those who just attend this day alone. Because this is an advanced training it is only open to those who have attended AEDP Immersion and/or Essential Skills.

There will be opportunity for 3-4 group participants to present videotape of their own clinical work and receive supervision from Miriam and Dale Trimble.  Tapes of work with early, complex and/or relational trauma are particularly welcome. But the supervision times are open to anyone who is inspired to show their work and receive supportive feedback from two experienced AEDP faculty members. If you are interested in presenting, please contact Dale Trimble for further information and guidance.

Meet the Presenter

Miriam Marsolais, PhD

Mariam Marsolais

Miriam Marsolais, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and Jungian Analyst in private practice in Berkeley, California. She is also Founder and Head Instructor of White Magnolia Tai Chi School in Berkeley. Dr. Marsolais first encountered AEDP in 2006, completed three years of Core Training in Seattle and the San Francisco Bay Area, became a certified AEDP practitioner in 2009, a certified AEDP supervisor in 2011 and an AEDP faculty member in 2014. She is currently helming the Bay Area Multi-Faculty AEDP Core Training in Kensington, California and is facilitating two ongoing AEDP supervision groups.

Dr. Marsolais experiences life as a spiritual exploration that is easier to live than explain. As a young adult she performed as a violinist, was a nun and taught high school science and mathematics. Following a near-fatal burn injury, her life took a major turn and her passions were redirected towards the study of history, psychology and Eastern mind/body practices. Dr. Marsolais has completed degrees in Biology and Sociology (Stanford University); Theology (Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley); History (UC Berkeley); and Analytical Psychology (C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich). She has completed training in Collaborative Couples Therapy and in Tibetan Studies, has served as Adjunct Faculty at the Wright Institute in Berkeley and as a clinical supervisor at the East Bay Agency for Children.

Dr. Marsolais is inspired and challenged by AEDP’s dynamic, integrative clinical approach and is grateful to have found her professional home in the AEDP community. She is deeply engaged in extending AEDP practice into the domain of the sleeping self through relational, phenomenological work with dream experience, and through this work is opening new pathways to healing from early relational trauma and PTSD. She is also exploring the resonances between AEDP and traditional Eastern mind/body and meditation practices, and how awareness of these resonances can enrich AEDP practice, training and supervision.

Other Things You’ll Need to Know

  • This advanced training is limited to 25 participants. Register early.

Fee and Credits

  • Fee:  $185* + $9.25 GST = $194.25
  • Early Bird:  (Before Oct. 10)  $150 + $7.50 GST = $157.50
  • Full-time student:  $125 + $6.25 GST = $131.25
  • Group** rate: $135 + 6.75 GST = $141.75
  • 15% discount for attending this day as well as day one.
  • Receipts and certificates of attendance will be provided at the workshop.

Get the Registration Form

Payment instructions are included with the Registration Form.
*All amounts are in Canadian Dollars
** Group rate applies to three or more from the same office or agency.

This program is eligible for CE Hours of continuing education credit through our co-sponsor R. Cassidy Seminars. To view the CE accreditation statement click here.  CE Credits are included in the course fee. For our cancellation/refund policy click here.

Questions about this Workshop?

Contact Dale Trimble

Event Details:


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


YWCA - 4th Floor
535 Hornby Street Welch Room
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 2E8

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