AEDP Institute

New York, NY Workshop • Jerry Lamagna, LCSW

Making Good Use of Suffering: Intra-Relational AEDP Work with Relational Trauma
An AEDP Workshop at Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY

with Jerry Lamagna, LCSW, Senior Faculty AEDP Institute

Jerry LamagnaThis workshop will explore the challenges and opportunities of working with clients mired in overwhelming affective experiences. In AEDP, pathogenic affects linked to “self-at-worst” such as unbearable aloneness and “toxic” levels of shame and anxiety have often been viewed as experiences holding little therapeutic potential. The goal has traditionally been to get past them so that underlying core affects can be accessed and processed therapeutically.

Joining differentiation techniques drawn from Buddhist psychology, Gestalt therapy and IFS, with AEDP’s experiential tracking, metaprocessing, and mindful attention to relational and intra-relational experience, Mr. Lamagna will demonstrate how such moments of overwhelm can offer patients profound opportunities for self-recognition, self-regulation and self-compassion. Rather than processing core affects derived from categorical emotions like anger and grief, such work engenders core affect linked to interconnection, recognition and self-understanding. These moments of coherence and integration in turn provide experiences of strength, hope, safety and mastery that fuel ongoing change -for-the-better.

In this workshop you will learn to:

  • define the term “pathogenic affect” as it relates to AEDP’s approach to therapeutic change.
  • describe two therapeutic interventions specific to Intra-relational AEDP work that assist patient’s in regulating overwhelming emotional experience.
  • name and identify the four distinct states that comprise AEDP’s transformational model of change.


Course Fee: $149
To register, and for more information, click here

Event Details:


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Mt. Sinai West
1000 Tenth Avenue (betw. 58th & 59th)
New York, NY

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