AEDP Institute

The Felt Sense of Existing in the Heart and Mind of the Other:

Experiential Work with Receptive Affective Experience 

Saturday, September 22nd, 2017
Rome, Italy

Attachment is transformative, not only as a foundational process but also an experien- ce to be harnessed in treatment. However, it is not suf cient for empathy, care, and help to be offered; in order for them to be effective, they must be received. Receptive affective experiences, i.e., experiences of feeling seen, loved, or understood are key constituents of what it means to be attached: helping clients feel that they exist in the heart and mind of their attachment gures is an important aspect of attachment work in AEDP, a leading approach to the healing of attachment trauma. Using clinical videotapes of actual therapy sessions, Diana Fosha will show experiential work with the client’s (a) experience of attachment in the here-and-now relationship with the therapist, as well as with the client’s (b) receptive experiences of feeling seen, loved, understood or tran- sformed, work leading to the client’s felt sense of existing in the hart and mind of the other. Using and emotionally engaged, experience-near stance, AEDP demonstrates how experientially exploring the experience of attachment in the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship builds attachment security and facilitates transformational chan- ge to heal attachment trauma , thus fostering the emergence of a vital and vibrant self.

Meet the Presenter

Diana Fosha, PhD

Diana Fosha

Diana Fosha, Ph.D., is the developer of AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), a healing-based, transformation-oriented model of psychotherapeutic treatment; she is Founder and Director of the AEDP Institute. Based in New York City, she has been on the faculties of the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology of NYU and St. Luke's/Roosevelt Medical Centers (now Mount Sinai) in NYC, and of the doctoral programs in clinical psychology at the Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies and The City University of New York. Diana Fosha is the author of The Transforming Power of Affect: A Model for Accelerated Change (Basic Books, 2000), and of numerous articles on an attachment-emotion-transformation focused experiential treatment model. She is senior editor, with Daniel Siegel and Marion Solomon, of The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development & Clinical Practice (Norton, 2009), part of Norton’s Interpersonal Neurobiology series, and co-author, with Natasha Prenn, of Essentials of AEDP Supervision (APA, 2016). APA has issued 3 DVDs of her APA work. [Learn more and purchase here.]

She has contributed chapters to, among others, Clinical pearls of wisdom: 21 leading therapists offer their key insights, edited by M. Kerman (Norton, 2009); Complex traumatic stress disorders: An evidence-based clinician's guide, edited by C. Courtois & J. D. Ford (Guilford, 2009);   Healing trauma: Attachment, mind, body and brain, edited by Marion Solomon and Daniel Siegel (Norton, 2003); and to The comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy, Volume 1: Psychodynamic and object relations therapies, edited by J. J. Magnavita (Wiley, 2002).

Dr. Diana Fosha graduated magna cum laude with a BA in psychology from Barnard College and received her PhD in clinical psychology from the City university of New York (CUNY). For the last 20 years, she has been active in promoting a scientific basis for a healing oriented attachment, emotion and transformation focused therapy.

Known for her powerful, precise yet simultaneously poetic and evocative affective writing style, Diana's phrases --- "undoing aloneness," "existing in the heart and mind of the other," "True Other," "make the implicit explicit and the explicit experiential," "stay with it and stay with me," "rigor without shame" and "judicious self-disclosure" -- capture the ethos of AEDP.

Watch Diana's Trusting Vitality video here.


Teatro Brancaccio
Via Merulana, 244 – 00185


For further details and to register click here.


Event Details:


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Teatro Brancaccio
Via Merulana
Rome, Italy,

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